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Religious Acceptence

In the the Neo-Dumnonii Kingdom, there is freedom of religion, so anyone is allowed to practice their religion as long as it does not clash with the law of the Kingdom. Religions from Paganism, Buddhism and Shinto to the Abrahamic, hinduism, Sikhism and Daoism and others are all accepted and welcomed to the Kingdom. 

The Neo-Dumnonia Circle

This is a Neo-Pagan group created to get Neo-Pagans and any other like minded people together to share ideas and meet similar like minded people. Handfasting and wedding ceremonies will be an option at a future date. The Circle isn't just for the religious either, Philosphers and schlolars may join the circle to study as well, scientist may come to told meetings, and if anybody from other religions want to join as well, including atheism and the non religious, they are welcome as well.

Shadow Religion

This is a Neo-Pagan-Philosphical-Agnostic Religion. It is at the base of the Dumnonia Circle and primary based on Wicca and with some of the teachings of Chinese and Japanese Philosophies with a few elements from other religions and of the creators own thoughts and experiences. The Religion is very flexible and allows for the followers to follow their own paths. 

Official State Religions

Shadow Religion, Wicca, Christianity, Islam

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